"Authors' Guide"

Writing guide and conditions for accepting articles:

Submitting an article is only possible through the journal webpage. (To do this, you must first register.

Journal of Critique of Arabic Literature reserves the right to reject or accept as well as edit articles. The submitted articles will not be returned.

The Journal of Critique of Arabic Literature is exempt from accepting articles by students and master's graduate students. For doctoral students and graduates, it is unrestricted only with the cooperation and responsibility of faculty members.

Articles must meet the following specifications:

1) Be the result of the author's (authors') research. Translated articles will not be accepted

*The corresponding author's email must be academic.

2) Not published in another journal or submitted simultaneously to other domestic or foreign journals

3) The sequence of publishing articles is determined by the review and opinion of the editorial board.

4) The review board will notify the author of the scientific acceptance of the article. 

5) Article should be typed as a word document.

6) The full name of the author, academic degree, university where he/she teaches or studies, the field of study, email address (academic only), and the author's mobile number should be attached on a separate page. The authors' names should be removed from the original file. Also, the file name should not contain the names of the authors.

7) The name of the corresponding author should be marked with * and contain the full address of the author, including postal address, telephone number, fax number, and email (academic only)

8) The author is responsible for the correctness of the article's content.

The submitted article must include: 

1) Article title

2) Abstract (250 words) in three languages (Arabic, Persian, and English)

3) Keywords (4-7 words)

4) Introduction

5) Research background, which includes:

*Article: Summary of the result or article (name and surname of the author, year of publication of the article, name of the journal, year, and its number)

* Thesis: A summary of the thesis result (thesis title, year of writing, and student's name.)

* Also, the contents of this section should be arranged by year.

6) Article text

7) If there are translations of Arabic phrases in the text of the article, the translations should be moved to the footnote section.

* Also, if there are Latin names in the text of the article, refrain from mentioning them in the footnote section and move to the footnote.

8) Results

9) Footnotes

10) Acknowledgments: In this section, the funders, facilities, and other people who have helped with the research are acknowledged. (Optional)

11) Sources and References

* Article size with its extensions should be a maximum of 7500 words. 


1) In-text references should include:

(Surname, year: page number)

* If the source used in the text of the article was two authors or more: the last name of the first author and others, year: page number; but if there were only two authors, the last name of both should be written.

2) Footnotes include:

* Book: author surname, author name, year of publication, book title, researcher or translator of the book, date of publication, place of publication, name of the publisher

* Articles: the surname of the first person, name of the first person, name and surname of the second person, and name and surname of the third person, year, the title of the article in »Guillaume«, name of the journal in bold, year, page number.

* Thesis: the surname of the student, name, year of thesis writing, the title of the thesis in bold, and in »Guillaume«, Supervisor, Faculty: University

Technical template for arranging articles:

1) The abstract, keywords, main title, and sub-titles should be aligned with the text.

2) The abstract text should be written with half a centimeter indentation from the right side. (Paragraph: special: first-line: 0.5)

3) The first paragraph after each title should be written in the same alignment as the text, without indentation, but the other paragraphs should be written with half a centimeter indentation.

Writing Style:

1) Title:

*Persian (B Lotus: 16 – Bold) 

*Arabic (Traditional Arabic: 13 – Bold)

*English (Times New Roman: 10 – Bold)

2) Abstract Word:

Persian (B Lotus: 13)

Arabic (Traditional Arabic: 12)

3) Abstract:

Persian (B Lotus: 11)

Arabic (Traditional Arabic: 12)

English (Times New Roman: 10)

4) Keywords:

(B Lotus: 13)

5) Sources and References:

Persian (B Lotus: 11)

Arabic (Traditional Arabic: 12)

English (Times New Roman: 10)

6) Titles:

Main: (B Lotus: 14 – Bold)

Tables, graphs, and figures: (B Lotus: 11 – Bold)

Sub-titles: (B Lotus: 13.5 – Bold)

7) Source of Tables, Graphs, and Figures:

Persian (B Lotus: 10)

Arabic (Traditional Arabic: 12)

English (Times New Roman: 9)

8) In-text References:

Persian (B Lotus: 11) 

Arabic (Traditional Arabic: 12)

English (Times New Roman: 10)

Page Specifications: 

Top: 5 cm

 Bottom: 5 cm

 Left: 4.5 cm

 Right: 4.5 cm