Document Type : Original Article
The study of linguistic signs and semantic structure is a relatively new way of studying literary texts that expresses the inner actions, messages, and intentions hidden in the secondary layers of the text. One of the suitable models for criticizing the semiotics of literary works is Pierce's theory, which divides the sign into three parts: representation, subject, and interpretation. According to this theory, the concept of sign arises from the semantic connection between these three components, and words have many implicit meanings whose representation displays the concept and the main message of the poet. Muhammad Adam is one of the modern Egyptian poets with poems in which color element is widely reflected and each of these colors has various poetic meanings and semantic loads that in addition to their true meaning, have many virtual and poetic meanings hidden in them. This research tries to study the process of formation of signs in Mohammad Adam's poetry based on Pierce's theory and to express the hidden data in colors. The research data indicate that the signs in the colors show the special and sometimes unique attitude of Mohammad Adam towards concepts such as love, death, life, aging, and nihilism. The concept of sign in Adam's poems arises as a result of the semantic continuum between representation, subject, and interpretation