Document Type : Original Article
From the past, there has been much controversy among translation theorists about the transfer of structure or concept. Since the formation of translation studies, Disagreements about the transfer of concept or structure were reflected in the views of scholars in this field that Vinay and Darbelnet are two of theme. In the present article, the authors have attempted to analyze and evaluate the novel Arzonnefagh by using Seven Methods of Vinay and Darbelnet and descriptive-analytical method. According to the results, the translator has used the indirect translation method more than the direct translation method. In other words, he preferred free translation over literal translation. Among the seven translation methods in this novel, Equivalence has the highest share, and Adaptation is next, both of which are indirect translation methods. It was also found that wherever the translator used indirect translation, he provided more successful translations but wherever he has used only direct translation, there is a weakness in translation. It was also revealed that in all of the examples given for message transmission under the (compensation) strategy, an increase was seen, indicating that whenever the translator intended to better convey the message, he used an incremental strategy rather than a reduction. At the end of this article, the authors suggest that combining the direct and indirect translation method (Free and literal translation) is an effective way of translating difficult concepts and terms.
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