Document Type : مروری
-newline"> Formalism is one of the schools of critique which withoutconsidering the different factors such as political and socialphenomena affecting the literary texts, draws its attention to theexternal critique of the literary work.Due to some especial andprominent features, contemporary poetry is one of the importantliterary works which has attracted formalists. Since there have beenmodern formalists’ techniques and elements in contemporary Arabicpoetry, formalist school ideas can be used to discuss the aesthetics ofsuch poetry. Ahmed Abdalmotala Hejazi, a contemporary Egyptianpoet, is one of such poets whose works are capable of being critiquedboth formally and linguistically from formalistic point of view. Theode “Al A’am o Sades Al Ashr” as one of the Hejazi Odes, has themost formalist elements. Therefore, by using the descriptive – analyticmethod and by referring to formalist approach, the current study triesto analyze and critique the aesthetics of the aforementioned ode. Thefindings show that by using the formal elements like deconstructivism(lexical, grammatical and written), music and dominant element, thepoet has been able to use the formal techniques and elementssuccessfully to create aesthetics in his poems