Document Type : مروری
-newline"> The present paper analyzed the aesthetic aspects of the Sura “Al Zuha” of the Holy Quran using the theories of formalists like ViktorShklovsky and Roman Jacobson. Based on Formalist’s beliefs, this is aform of literary text which makes up the theme and content. This paperexamined the grammatical features, vocabulary, forms of expression,music and the vocal theme of Sura “Al - Zuha” of the Holy Quran,where achieved a structure of the profound implications that perhaps itwas not possible without the critique of formalism.This Sura of Quran is known for enunciate and it addresses thepersonal characteristics of the Prophet of Islam such as flexibility,compassion, kindness, joy, love etc. The careful choice of words insublime oratory, letters, words, sound fitness, spiritual fitness of wordstogether, and the wonderful and miraculous music in the content of thischapter are so beautifully intertwined that are inseparable and cannotbe moved or replaced in any better way