Document Type : مروری
One of the most important Arabic eloquent rules is a rule which iscalled, "To make something topic while its main position is comment".On the basis of this rule, if a word in a sentence is transferred from "B"position to "A" position, it will be located in the topic position, socalled, "emphatic/topic". This rule of eloquence is used in such fieldsas interpretation, jurisprudence, and discourse which plays animportant role in forming the reader's understanding of the text. Theexistence of this rule of eloquence sometimes makes the imaginationcross the reader's mind that whenever a word at "B" degree movestoward a position preceding it, immediately the emphatic meaningwould be interpreted out of it; but is it truly so? As the shortening wayis on the basis of taste and evidence of discourse and is related to thediscourse style and register, sometimes it is possible that the poemrequirement or maintaining the vocal discourse rhythm make a wordtopic/emphatic. Therefore, considering the position of theabovementioned rule in the Islamic Sciences and its impact on the rightunderstanding of a text, it is notable for a precise study about itsadvantages and conditions of use to be done. The article aims atinvestigating, with a descriptive-analytical method, the amount ofvalidity and truth of this rule in the most significant books on syntax,eloquence, and interpretation such as Al-Kitab, Moghni-Al-Labib,Miftah-Al-Olum, Al-Izah, Al-Koshaf, etc., studying its conditions ofuse from the linguistic logic's point of view. It seems that, unlike theframe approach toward the emphatic rule, and its use in the IslamicSciences, this rule is not general in convey the meaning of emphasisand it cannot be used in an absolute manner