Document Type : مروری
"> Abdulhamid Jowdat-al-Sahhar is one of the pioneers ofcontemporary social novelist of Egypt. He has clarified the character ofpious man extendedly and purposefully in his social novels. Thisarticle is going to investigate the imagine of character of pious man inSahhar’s social novels in the frame of following topics: the method ofprocessing the character of pious man, the social level of pious man,the characteristics of pious man in the traditional and modern socialenvironments. The methodology of this research depends on criticizingand analyzing these topics in the viewpoint of Sahhar and contrasting itwith the viewpoints of contemporary famous Arabic novelists. Theresults indicate that Sahhar introduces this character in the frame of anordinary pious man with the positive and dynamic social personalitythrough his Islamic realistic attitude in contrast with the method ofcontemporary famous Arabic novelists that imagine him as a symbolicreligious character and as a simpleton and backward without thepositive social influence. When Sahhar, affected by his Islamicviewpoint, supports this character, simultaneously and depending onhis artistic realism, clarified his weak points including: his falseunderstanding of static and changeable issues, sentimental behavior hiscontaminating to superstitions, and sometimes to sins and slips.