Document Type : مروری
Stylistics is a knowledge which has been attached great importancenowadays, since the characteristics of a literary work and the literarystyle of a scholar is gained through it. The 31 st epistle, among theImam Ali's (A.S) literary discourse, addressing Imam Hassan (A.S),contains a high state because of nurturing and moral insights. So itsstylistic survey has great prominence, being able to clarify some of itsartistic and content aspects. The style of the 31 st epistle has beeninspected in syntactic level in the present article. We can say that thesyntactic privilege of the epistle is due to the profusion of shortsentences and great application of co-ordinate structures andaccompanying rhetorical, musical and content co-ordination withsyntactic one. Moreover, the high frequency of the imperative andepistemic moods gets the epistle to have distinguishing andindividualizing style.