Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
In the present study, it has been tried that by introducing the book Narrative Structure of Texts from the Perspective of Literary Criticism (بنیة النص السردی من منظور النقد الادبی) and investigating critically its structure and content, the status of this work be qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated among the studies conducted on fictional literature and theories of narration. In this regard, in the first step, utilizing scientific and nonbiased approaches, the status of this work in the scientific space of narratology, innovations and achievements by scholars were investigated and in the next step, with a deep and close view to the content and theme of this book, the most canonical issues, aims, presumptions, and theoretical basics along with its achievements were analyzed. After explain and analyzing the book both in terms of structure and content, it was tried that the book be scientifically evaluated and criticized from the two inter-structural and infrastructural perspectives.