Assistant professor Departman of Arabic language and literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz
Professor Departman of Arabic language and literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz
Assistant professor in Arabic language and literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz
phd Departman of Arabic language and literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz
Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
Critical Discourse analysis is a new definition of discourse analysis its an important branch of discourse analysis. This approach emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive analysis of discourse Among the interesting aspects of critical discourse are producing or strengthening an ideology, understanding texts in their wider context, and using pragmatic and scientific approach to the text analysis. because analysis of new contexts especially novel have an important role in cultural and social evolution in contemporary world, analysis of contexts in this basic is necessary in contemporary literature.This study codified on the basis of validity discourse analysis, active pattern, Gremas' semantic square, and Michel Foucault's discourse analysis theory of power. So on the basis of Gremas' active pattern, the structure of the novel and the relationship between the structure and content investigated. Then changeability in the novel process and its semantic square codified. The results showed that the researcher has stated the changeability in the novel on the basis of exact structure and a plot in different ways and the work of activists has been defined as for the aims specified. In this study, the researcher considered the power relations, power and people, and the relationship between them, the role of power in the sexuality problem and its control. The researcher also arise against the Egyptian governor with the critical content and defended women and their gender by condemning the authority view of sexuality problem.
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