Assistant Professor Departman of Arabic Literature in University of Alzzahra. Tehran.
Master of Department of Arabic Literature University of Alzzahra.
Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
Structuralism is like a philosophy and a religion of thought and a means to study the arena of politeness. And its foundation is based on a general insight or systematic set. And in order to examine the structure of the subject, we must observe the general view, Therefore, the structuralist style does not only include events and words but also includes the relation between that event and the vocabulary, And structuralism is a descriptive style that does not directly address content, but also emphasizes the structure of content and components and the construction of the fittest of the text, despite its differences and harmony in which it exists. Literary constructivists have a meaning in the quality, not self-meaning, they talk about the word itself and reject the critical style of imitation. The Qur'an is the divine book based on a subtle structure that is not void of relevance, proportionality and balance. And the content of this research is based on two bases: separation and composition in the understanding of Surah al-Enfetar, because the text of the Quran has a specific and precise structure that God has revealed, which is a sign of its meaning and content. In order to investigate the structure of the Surah al-Enfetar, we must analyze it as its constituent parts, and examine it in terms of content and its components and its components in a thematic manner without the involvement of any particular thought and belief.The purpose of this article is to discover the technical structuralism in Surah al-Enfetar and how to perform the duties of aesthetics, given the importance and impact of the structuralism of this surah in the audience
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