Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
The effect and presence of myths in texts are considered as one of the forms of intertextuality. The myth is an intertextual nature and is defined as a repeating pattern .Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, a prominent Palestinian poet, has used myths to express issues of the contemporary world, especially the occupation of Palestine and the fate of his nation. And with the call of the myth of "Tomas" (myth of death and resurrection) in his poems, he has given it a wide dimension in a variety of forms and themes.The present research seeks to answer the fundamental question of how Jabra uses Tamoo's mythology to express its meanings, especially the Palestine issue? The hypothesis of the research is based on the assertion that Jabra has used the mythological intertextuality in its poetic text to reflect its new meanings and deepen it. After expressing the introduction and definition of intertextiality, the writers have attempted, in the framework of this theory, to provide a descriptive analytical critique of the explanation and interpretation of the intertextual relations of Jabra poetry with the mythology of Tamoz. One of the most important results of the research is the presence of this myth in Jabra's poetry, the understanding of the theme of "Death and Resurrection Again" of myth and its parallel presence in the text of Jabra's poetry, innovation and a new look, and the recreation of myth, combined with myths and historical, literary and cultural concepts for Creating new meanings and transferring the truth of society through the use of myth.