PhD, Department of Arabic Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran.
Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran.
Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
This article studies the pattern structure of Baghdadi colloquial proverbs found in Majmaol Amsal Al-Amiah Al-Baghdadi (The Collection of Baghdadi Colloquial Proverbs). The language of Baghdadi colloquial proverbs is part of the Iraqi dialect spoken in Iraq. This language has specific features distinguishing it from other speeches since on its own it is considered an independent text characterized by brevity, simplicity of structures and beautiful tone. The method of the present article is numerical and descriptive-analytic. It examines different techniques in the structure of Baghdadi colloquial proverbs and counting thereof. We realized that the pattern structure of Baghdadi colloquial proverbs is compatible in general with the structure of Standard Arabic proverbs. The style of Baghdadi colloquial proverbs rests on assonance, condition, understanding, imperative, proportion, negation, paradox and general application according to their usage. These compositional techniques and rhetorical devices which are used in Baghdadi colloquial proverbs provide many possibilities for interpreting various meanings and significations. In some of the techniques, we find linguistic innovations in the structure of colloquial words which shows their extent of concord with Baghdadi colloquial proverbs.
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