Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
For a long time, the challenging issue of lampoon opposition and especially the gross political lampoon with the religious and moral values has been considered by both the jurists and the poets committed to ethical and religious principles. Accordingly, it was not thought that this kind of lampoon, which is usually associated with insulting and exaggerated expressions of ugliness, would lead to the poetry of poets who consider themselves as followers of The Household. But contrary to this notion, there are many verses in Shiite political poetry that such a lampoon obviously has been used in them. This article aims to use the descriptive-analytic method and focusing on the Daliyeh ode of Seyed Heidar Helli to examine and criticize what might be permissible for the use of this kind of lampoon by the poet. In this regard, after reviewing the principle of the use of lampoon on the basis of Islamic criteria, the criticism of the lampoon in this ode and the possible justifications for it are analyzed. The result of this research suggests that, although some of the Quran's descriptive forms, along with some Arabic rhetorical forms, can be used to justify the use of this lampoon, but given the far-fetched reason for this justification to the common audiences using it is not without difficulty. For this reason, although the poet in this ode clearly used a gross political lampoon, but in other Hawliat he tried to avoid it, and instead use other methods of lampoon
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