Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
The media as a communication tool always plays a keyrole in influencing public opinion. To achieve this, they use a variety of techniquse. One of this methods is the represontation of reality or delivering it in such a way as to persuad the audience to accept the reality of the look of that media. The repetition and generelization of the representation leads to stereotyping or the making the thinking of a particular subject or group in the minds of the people of society. The literary books of any country as well as a media whose purpose to persuade the audience, is partly involved with the positive or negative stereotypes that are induced from the community to the author and himself promotes these stereotypes in a mutual action. The present research has tried analyze the gender stereotypes in the “Zavjat Ahmad“ Ehsan Abdolqoddus‘s book, using analitical and descriptive methods. The purpose of this essay is praviding a link-oriented reading of this literary text and exploring the use of this out standing Egyptian outer of gender stereotypes to convey his ideas. The results show that he has tried to make the role of man and woman in the form of stereotyped image by making a stereotyppical character of a successful woman. This story is in fact a response to the extremist views of feminism, which calls for all gender storetypes to be oppression to women and the violation of their rights.