Document Type : Original Article
this literature is only an unpleasant by-product of colonialism. This study is about a postcolonial text and exposes the frameworks of Self Orientalism and literary exoticism, and finally, it is an attempt to understand exoticism as a phenomenon that does not only represent colonialism and colonial ideologies. Sayyidat al-Qamar Jokha al-Harthi is the first book by an Arab author to win the 2019 International Booker Prize; And the first novel written by a woman from Oman that has been translated into English. This story in one The small, imaginary Omani village of Al-Awafi takes place, revolving around a complex portrait of a family network. Al-Harthi has based this novel on three sisters named: Mia, Asma, and Kholeh and their marriage. In this novel, we see an Oman that al-Harthi slowly redefines from a traditional enslaved society to its modern state. Exotic themes, such as women, slavery, customs and social change, etc., are beautifully combined in this novel. Al-Harthi, with his Self orientalistic images of customs and ... belonging to the residents of Al-Awafi, Oman, under the influence of studying in the West, has tried to attract global attention and has been almost successful, because he has tried to create an authentic and pristine image of Oman in Establish the minds of Omani and non-Omani readers. self-Oriental itself is a complex process that speaks as much about the construction of Oman's cultural identity as it does about the exotic representation of Omani culture