Abdul Qahir Jorjani
Examination and Analysis of Syntactic Agent and Derivative Based on the Peotry Theory of Jorjani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 83-108]
Abu al-Muati Abu al-Naja
From the meaningful Structure of the Novel "Return to the Deportation" yb "Abual-Muati AbualNaja" to the Structure of Egypt Society [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 255-280]
Acceptance of the Object by the Infinitive
The grammatical role of the infinitive and its transposition into the passive in the Arabic language [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 7-25]
Dark romanticism in the collection of Al-Masrah and Al-Maraya Adonis [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 83-118]
Critical study of the intellectual foundations effect of the Formalism school on Adonis’s literary theories [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 146-168]
Aesthetic Criteria
A Critical Review of the Aesthetic Criteria in the Ode “la vaghta lelboqa” by Amal Donqol [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 207-251]
Agent and Derivative
Examination and Analysis of Syntactic Agent and Derivative Based on the Peotry Theory of Jorjani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 83-108]
Agent Theories
Examination and Analysis of Syntactic Agent and Derivative Based on the Peotry Theory of Jorjani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 83-108]
Ahlam Mostaghanemi
Evaluation and analysis of social romanticism features in “Body memory” novel written by Ahlam Mostaghanemi [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 318-340]
Evaluation and analysis of social romanticism features in “Body memory” novel written by Ahlam Mostaghanemi [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 318-340]
Al-Masrah and Al-Maraya
Dark romanticism in the collection of Al-Masrah and Al-Maraya Adonis [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 83-118]
Amal Donqol
A Critical Review of the Aesthetic Criteria in the Ode “la vaghta lelboqa” by Amal Donqol [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 207-251]
Arabic grammar
Geographical areas and their impact on the formation of the standard Arabic language (Case study of news editorials and prose in the Arabic daily press) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 281-316]
Study of the poe "From two roses" From the great Lebanese poet Saeed Akl [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 309-330]
Body memory
Evaluation and analysis of social romanticism features in “Body memory” novel written by Ahlam Mostaghanemi [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 318-340]
Bozeman's Equation
A study of statistical stylistics of Neqdet’s poetry based on quantitative linguistic approach (Neqdet Al Farazdaq and Jarir for example) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 27-55]
Decentralization techniques and the relationship between text and image in Animal Stories Collection in the Quran by Al-Kindi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 169-206]
Cognitive semantics
An Analysis of the Conceptual Metaphor of the Verses related to the embodiment of deeds [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021]
Contemporary novel
The image of a woman and her rights in the novel "Emreaat el-Nesian" by Mohammad Baradeh [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 151-173]
Contemporary worldview
Pragmatics of the Semantic-linguistic Opposition in the Poetic Ideas of Wadih Sa'adeh [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 119-144]
A study of statistical stylistics of Neqdet’s poetry based on quantitative linguistic approach (Neqdet Al Farazdaq and Jarir for example) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 27-55]
Dark romanticism
Dark romanticism in the collection of Al-Masrah and Al-Maraya Adonis [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 83-118]
Decentralization techniques and the relationship between text and image in Animal Stories Collection in the Quran by Al-Kindi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 169-206]
Stylistic analysis of Safi al-Din Hali's Poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 175-199]
Developmental Constructivism
From the meaningful Structure of the Novel "Return to the Deportation" yb "Abual-Muati AbualNaja" to the Structure of Egypt Society [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 255-280]
Direct Object
The grammatical role of the infinitive and its transposition into the passive in the Arabic language [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 7-25]
Egyptian Novel
Sociological study of Khan al-Khalili novel by Naguib Mahfouz [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 201-232]
Elahi Ghomshei
Theological "condensation" and "expansion" in the translation of Qur'an (Case study of Surah Anfal and Tawbah) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 56-81]
Embodiment of deeds
An Analysis of the Conceptual Metaphor of the Verses related to the embodiment of deeds [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021]
Emreaat ul-Nesian
The image of a woman and her rights in the novel "Emreaat el-Nesian" by Mohammad Baradeh [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 151-173]
A study of statistical stylistics of Neqdet’s poetry based on quantitative linguistic approach (Neqdet Al Farazdaq and Jarir for example) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 27-55]
Formalism School
Critical study of the intellectual foundations effect of the Formalism school on Adonis’s literary theories [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 146-168]
From the meaningful Structure of the Novel "Return to the Deportation" yb "Abual-Muati AbualNaja" to the Structure of Egypt Society [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 255-280]
The reflection of “Yourself” and “The Other” in the novel “IbadoShams” by using Van Dijk’s critical Discourse analysis [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 281-308]
Ibn Khafajah
A visual analysis of the poetry of Ibn Khafajah Andalusi by Roykard Impressionism [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 332-362]
A visual analysis of the poetry of Ibn Khafajah Andalusi by Roykard Impressionism [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 332-362]
Indirect Object
The grammatical role of the infinitive and its transposition into the passive in the Arabic language [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 7-25]
Infinitive’s Act
The grammatical role of the infinitive and its transposition into the passive in the Arabic language [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 7-25]
Intellectual Foundations
Critical study of the intellectual foundations effect of the Formalism school on Adonis’s literary theories [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 146-168]
A study of the vocabulary and the structure of the collection “the tortured on earth” by Taha Hussein based on the intertextuality approach [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 233-254]
Jarir ibn Atiyah
A study of statistical stylistics of Neqdet’s poetry based on quantitative linguistic approach (Neqdet Al Farazdaq and Jarir for example) [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 27-55]
Khan Al-Khalili
Sociological study of Khan al-Khalili novel by Naguib Mahfouz [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 201-232]
Language layers
Stylistic analysis of Safi al-Din Hali's Poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 175-199]
Linguistic opposition
Pragmatics of the Semantic-linguistic Opposition in the Poetic Ideas of Wadih Sa'adeh [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 119-144]
Majroor Object
The grammatical role of the infinitive and its transposition into the passive in the Arabic language [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 7-25]
Mansoob Object
The grammatical role of the infinitive and its transposition into the passive in the Arabic language [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 7-25]
Modern Press Language
Geographical areas and their impact on the formation of the standard Arabic language (Case study of news editorials and prose in the Arabic daily press) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 281-316]
Mohammad Baradeh
The image of a woman and her rights in the novel "Emreaat el-Nesian" by Mohammad Baradeh [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 151-173]
Moroccan novel
The image of a woman and her rights in the novel "Emreaat el-Nesian" by Mohammad Baradeh [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 151-173]
Nahj al-balagha
Investigating the practical meanings of more verbs (chapters of verbs, verbs and verbs)
in Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 58-82]
Najib Mahfouz
Sociological study of Khan al-Khalili novel by Naguib Mahfouz [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 201-232]
NaZik AL-Malaika. Inversion
Reading the symbol of water inversion in the poetry of Simin Behbahani and Nazik Al-Malaika [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 7-27]
New Arabic Poetry
A Critical Review of the Aesthetic Criteria in the Ode “la vaghta lelboqa” by Amal Donqol [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 207-251]
Objective to mental metaphor
An Analysis of the Conceptual Metaphor of the Verses related to the embodiment of deeds [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021]
Ode La vaghta lelboqa
A Critical Review of the Aesthetic Criteria in the Ode “la vaghta lelboqa” by Amal Donqol [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 207-251]
Patterns of deviation from the standard language
Geographical areas and their impact on the formation of the standard Arabic language (Case study of news editorials and prose in the Arabic daily press) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 281-316]
Persian Prose
A Bibliographical Study of the Hadith in Tarikh-al-Wassaf [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 109-150]
Poetry Theory
Examination and Analysis of Syntactic Agent and Derivative Based on the Peotry Theory of Jorjani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 83-108]
Stylistic analysis of Safi al-Din Hali's Poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 175-199]
Prose Stylistics
A Bibliographical Study of the Hadith in Tarikh-al-Wassaf [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 109-150]
Quran stories
Decentralization techniques and the relationship between text and image in Animal Stories Collection in the Quran by Al-Kindi [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 169-206]
Resistance dialogue
The reflection of “Yourself” and “The Other” in the novel “IbadoShams” by using Van Dijk’s critical Discourse analysis [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 281-308]
Return to the Deportation
From the meaningful Structure of the Novel "Return to the Deportation" yb "Abual-Muati AbualNaja" to the Structure of Egypt Society [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 255-280]
Rezaei Isfahani
Theological "condensation" and "expansion" in the translation of Qur'an (Case study of Surah Anfal and Tawbah) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 56-81]
Saeed Aql"
Study of the poe "From two roses" From the great Lebanese poet Saeed Akl [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 309-330]
Safiuddin Hali
Stylistic analysis of Safi al-Din Hali's Poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 175-199]
Sahar Khalifa
The reflection of “Yourself” and “The Other” in the novel “IbadoShams” by using Van Dijk’s critical Discourse analysis [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 281-308]
Semantic idea
Pragmatics of the Semantic-linguistic Opposition in the Poetic Ideas of Wadih Sa'adeh [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 119-144]
Semantic opposition
Pragmatics of the Semantic-linguistic Opposition in the Poetic Ideas of Wadih Sa'adeh [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 119-144]
Simin Behbahani
Reading the symbol of water inversion in the poetry of Simin Behbahani and Nazik Al-Malaika [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 7-27]
Sociology of Literature
From the meaningful Structure of the Novel "Return to the Deportation" yb "Abual-Muati AbualNaja" to the Structure of Egypt Society [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 255-280]
Sociology of Text
Sociological study of Khan al-Khalili novel by Naguib Mahfouz [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 201-232]
Standard Arabic languages
Geographical areas and their impact on the formation of the standard Arabic language (Case study of news editorials and prose in the Arabic daily press) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 281-316]
Taha Hussein
A study of the vocabulary and the structure of the collection “the tortured on earth” by Taha Hussein based on the intertextuality approach [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 233-254]
Ta’ligh Theory
Examination and Analysis of Syntactic Agent and Derivative Based on the Peotry Theory of Jorjani [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 83-108]
A Bibliographical Study of the Hadith in Tarikh-al-Wassaf [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 109-150]
The Holy Quran
An Analysis of the Conceptual Metaphor of the Verses related to the embodiment of deeds [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021]
The Holy Quran
A study of the vocabulary and the structure of the collection “the tortured on earth” by Taha Hussein based on the intertextuality approach [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 233-254]
Theological condensation and expansion
Theological "condensation" and "expansion" in the translation of Qur'an (Case study of Surah Anfal and Tawbah) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 56-81]
Traditional Press Language
Geographical areas and their impact on the formation of the standard Arabic language (Case study of news editorials and prose in the Arabic daily press) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 281-316]
Translation of surah Anfal and Tawbah
Theological "condensation" and "expansion" in the translation of Qur'an (Case study of Surah Anfal and Tawbah) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 56-81]
Translation of the Quran
Theological "condensation" and "expansion" in the translation of Qur'an (Case study of Surah Anfal and Tawbah) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 56-81]
Van Dijk
The reflection of “Yourself” and “The Other” in the novel “IbadoShams” by using Van Dijk’s critical Discourse analysis [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 281-308]
Wadih Sa'adeh
Pragmatics of the Semantic-linguistic Opposition in the Poetic Ideas of Wadih Sa'adeh [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2021, Pages 119-144]
Water Symbol
Reading the symbol of water inversion in the poetry of Simin Behbahani and Nazik Al-Malaika [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 7-27]
Women's Rights
The image of a woman and her rights in the novel "Emreaat el-Nesian" by Mohammad Baradeh [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2021, Pages 151-173]