Bamboo Stalk Novel
The Study of Power and Language Discourse in the Bamboo Stalk Novel by Saud Alsanousi based on the New Historicism Approach [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 65-90]
Sociological criticism of Behtari's poem "Description of Wolf" according to Hippolyt Ten [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 213-236]
Formalism Investigation and Analysis of Taha Surah from Leech’s point of view [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 151-178]
Description of Wolf
Sociological criticism of Behtari's poem "Description of Wolf" according to Hippolyt Ten [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 213-236]
Investigating and analyzing the defense mechanisms in"Al-eterafat" novel [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 317-342]
Hippolyt Ten
Sociological criticism of Behtari's poem "Description of Wolf" according to Hippolyt Ten [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 213-236]
Holy Quran" Buruj "
Linguistic analysis and interpretation of the process of the semantic transformation of the word " Buruj " in Qoran Relying on its roots in Semitic languages. [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 31-56]
Representations of Alienation in Abdul Razzaq Al-Rubaye’ Poetry [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 35-64]
Ibn Khafaja Andalusi
Description of Nature, Another Motif for other Traditional Themes in the Poetry of Ibn Khafaja Andalusi [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 179-212]
Index terms: The Holy Qur’an
An Analysis of Representing the Language and Themes of the Qur'an in Kamel Kilani Stories [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 91-118]
Iraqi contemporary poetry
Representations of Alienation in Abdul Razzaq Al-Rubaye’ Poetry [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 35-64]
حقیقت نمایی در البخلاء جاحظ (موردکاوی قصههای اهل مرو و خراسان) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 7-30]
Jasim Mohammad Salih
Review of the elements of the story in the child's stories "Jasim Mohammad Salih" [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 331-353]
Kamel Kilani
An Analysis of Representing the Language and Themes of the Qur'an in Kamel Kilani Stories [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 91-118]
Keywords: Critique of Story
The analysis of the "The content of the form" story The content of the Form " theory of Sayed Bahrawi [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 299-330]
Khamriat (the poetry about wine)
Analysis and investigation of wine manifesting in Mostafa Wahbi al-Tal's poetry [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 89-114]
Lexical level
stylistic critique of Sheikh Ahmad Waeli's social poems (Linguistic analysis) [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 119-150]
Linguistic analysis and interpretation of the process of the semantic transformation of the word " Buruj " in Qoran Relying on its roots in Semitic languages. [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 31-56]
Marv and Khorasan
حقیقت نمایی در البخلاء جاحظ (موردکاوی قصههای اهل مرو و خراسان) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 7-30]
Mayafogh alvasf
Painting elements in Susanna Alivan's Mayafoghalvasf [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 237-262]
Norm Deviation (Irregularity)
Formalism Investigation and Analysis of Taha Surah from Leech’s point of view [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 151-178]
Parallelism( Extra Regularity)
Formalism Investigation and Analysis of Taha Surah from Leech’s point of view [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 151-178]
Phonetic level
stylistic critique of Sheikh Ahmad Waeli's social poems (Linguistic analysis) [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 119-150]
Poetic imagery
Description of Nature, Another Motif for other Traditional Themes in the Poetry of Ibn Khafaja Andalusi [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 179-212]
Power and Language Discourse
The Study of Power and Language Discourse in the Bamboo Stalk Novel by Saud Alsanousi based on the New Historicism Approach [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 65-90]
Saud Alsanousi
The Study of Power and Language Discourse in the Bamboo Stalk Novel by Saud Alsanousi based on the New Historicism Approach [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 65-90]
Sayed Bahrawi
The analysis of the "The content of the form" story The content of the Form " theory of Sayed Bahrawi [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 299-330]
Semantic Process
Linguistic analysis and interpretation of the process of the semantic transformation of the word " Buruj " in Qoran Relying on its roots in Semitic languages. [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 31-56]
Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan
Review of the elements of the story in the child's stories "Jasim Mohammad Salih" [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 331-353]
حقیقت نمایی در البخلاء جاحظ (موردکاوی قصههای اهل مرو و خراسان) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 7-30]
Sociological Criticism
Sociological criticism of Behtari's poem "Description of Wolf" according to Hippolyt Ten [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 213-236]
Susan Olivean
Painting elements in Susanna Alivan's Mayafoghalvasf [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 237-262]
Syntactic level
stylistic critique of Sheikh Ahmad Waeli's social poems (Linguistic analysis) [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 119-150]
Taha Surah
Formalism Investigation and Analysis of Taha Surah from Leech’s point of view [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 151-178]
Traditional Poetic Themes
Description of Nature, Another Motif for other Traditional Themes in the Poetry of Ibn Khafaja Andalusi [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 179-212]
حقیقت نمایی در البخلاء جاحظ (موردکاوی قصههای اهل مرو و خراسان) [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 7-30]
Valley Yabes
Analysis and investigation of wine manifesting in Mostafa Wahbi al-Tal's poetry [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2019, Pages 89-114]
stylistic critique of Sheikh Ahmad Waeli's social poems (Linguistic analysis) [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 119-150]