• Abd al-Salam al-Ujayli The Study of female (Anima) and male (Animus) aspects of Human Existence in Abd al-Salam al-Ujayli’s Novels [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 167-194]

  • AbdollahGhazami AbdollahGhazami and the Necessity of Cultural Criticism in the Analysis of Arabic Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 1-18]

  • Abu al-Ala al-Ma'arri The functional ideology of language in the context of the dynamic art of the poetry and life of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maari; A postmodern study according to the theories of Althusser, Lyotard, and Merleau-Ponty [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 73-102]

  • Abu Zaid Analyzing Abu Zaid Saroj's personality based on Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 49-66]

  • Al-Dama'a al-Kharsa The explanation of Searle's theory of speech acts in the mourning poem of Al-Dama'a Al-Kharsa by Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 273-300]

  • Ali The phenomenon of linguistic substitution in the messages of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib "Semantic linguistic study in the Case of letters 1-15" [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 7-38]

  • Al-Shabbi A study of the internal rhythm of the poem "The People's Will" by Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabbi "Structural semantic" [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 181-194]

  • Althusser The functional ideology of language in the context of the dynamic art of the poetry and life of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maari; A postmodern study according to the theories of Althusser, Lyotard, and Merleau-Ponty [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 73-102]

  • Anima The Study of female (Anima) and male (Animus) aspects of Human Existence in Abd al-Salam al-Ujayli’s Novels [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 167-194]

  • Animous The Study of female (Anima) and male (Animus) aspects of Human Existence in Abd al-Salam al-Ujayli’s Novels [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 167-194]

  • Arabic Poetry The explanation of Searle's theory of speech acts in the mourning poem of Al-Dama'a Al-Kharsa by Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 273-300]

  • Arabic Poetry Discourse AbdollahGhazami and the Necessity of Cultural Criticism in the Analysis of Arabic Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 1-18]

  • Arzonnefagh Analysis and Evaluation of Translation Based on Seven Methods of Vinay and Darbelnet (Case study: the Novel "Arzonnefagh") [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 121-134]

  • Attar Recognizing the Views and Approach of Yahya Bin Hamza Alavi owner "Al-Taraz; al-‎Mutzimin al-asrar al-balagha wa alum haqaiqa al-Ijaz" in Defining Truth [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 19-33]


  • Badi’ al-Zaman al-Hamadhani Study and analysis of the maqamat of Badi’ al-Zaman al-Hamadhani based on the carnival reading of Bakhtin (Maqamat Al-Isfahaniah, Al-Harziah and Al-Musaliyah as an example) [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 195-221]

  • Badr Shakir al-Sayyab The explanation of Searle's theory of speech acts in the mourning poem of Al-Dama'a Al-Kharsa by Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 273-300]

  • Barid Al-Layl Analyzing the women's writing of Hoda Barkat's novel "Barid Al-Layl" in the light of Elaine Showalter's theory of critique of women's situation [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 103-130]


  • Characteristic Analyzing Abu Zaid Saroj's personality based on Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 49-66]

  • Code Recognizing the Views and Approach of Yahya Bin Hamza Alavi owner "Al-Taraz; al-‎Mutzimin al-asrar al-balagha wa alum haqaiqa al-Ijaz" in Defining Truth [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 19-33]

  • Cognitive Science Reflection of Conceptual Structures in Relation to the Motion Schemes in the Poetry of Wadih Sa'adeh [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 84-101]

  • Colonialism Critical discourse analysis of Najib Al-Kilani's novel " Ras al-Shaitan" based on "Norman Fairclough" theory [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 223-250]

  • Contemporary Arabic novel The application of Semiotics in the novel "Adrakha Al-Nassian" by Sana Al-Shaalan based on the theory of Grimas. [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 301-324]

  • Cultural Criticism AbdollahGhazami and the Necessity of Cultural Criticism in the Analysis of Arabic Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 1-18]


  • Direct translation Analysis and Evaluation of Translation Based on Seven Methods of Vinay and Darbelnet (Case study: the Novel "Arzonnefagh") [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 121-134]


  • Ela Fazan The function of narrative-rhetorical components in the tragic structure of the system "To Fazzan" by Jamil Sedghi Al-Zahavi [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 150-166]


  • Grimas The application of Semiotics in the novel "Adrakha Al-Nassian" by Sana Al-Shaalan based on the theory of Grimas. [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 301-324]


  • Hoda Barkat Analyzing the women's writing of Hoda Barkat's novel "Barid Al-Layl" in the light of Elaine Showalter's theory of critique of women's situation [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 103-130]


  • Ibn Anbari Assessment and Analysis of Types of Causes in Deduction (Cause, Analogy and Refutation) A Case Study of the Syntactical Views of Ibn Anbari in Asrar Al-Arabyah (Secrets of Arabic) and Ibn Yayish in Sharh Al Mufasal (Unabridged Commentary) [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 135-149]

  • Ibn Yayish Assessment and Analysis of Types of Causes in Deduction (Cause, Analogy and Refutation) A Case Study of the Syntactical Views of Ibn Anbari in Asrar Al-Arabyah (Secrets of Arabic) and Ibn Yayish in Sharh Al Mufasal (Unabridged Commentary) [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 135-149]

  • Ideology The functional ideology of language in the context of the dynamic art of the poetry and life of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maari; A postmodern study according to the theories of Althusser, Lyotard, and Merleau-Ponty [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 73-102]

  • Imam The phenomenon of linguistic substitution in the messages of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib "Semantic linguistic study in the Case of letters 1-15" [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 7-38]

  • Imam Ali (AS) Analyzing the meaning of Shaqshaqiyah's sermon, based on Jurjani's theory of order(metaphor case study) [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 102-120]


  • James William Worden Examining the components of trauma in the novel "Nescafiya with Al-Sharif Al-Radi" by Miyada Khalil based on James William Worden's theory of grief assignments. [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 67-83]

  • Jamil Sedghi Al-Zahawi The function of narrative-rhetorical components in the tragic structure of the system "To Fazzan" by Jamil Sedghi Al-Zahavi [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 150-166]

  • Jassem Alsahih Reading the semiotics of Jassem Alsahih's poem (Case of study: "Vatan Le Asma Mosharad") [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 325-349]

  • John Searle The explanation of Searle's theory of speech acts in the mourning poem of Al-Dama'a Al-Kharsa by Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 273-300]


  • Lepi Halm Model Recognizing the Views and Approach of Yahya Bin Hamza Alavi owner "Al-Taraz; al-‎Mutzimin al-asrar al-balagha wa alum haqaiqa al-Ijaz" in Defining Truth [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 19-33]

  • Letters The phenomenon of linguistic substitution in the messages of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib "Semantic linguistic study in the Case of letters 1-15" [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 7-38]

  • Lucien Goldman Sociological analysis of Maraya Al-General novel based on Lucien Goldman's formative structuralism theory [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 131-166]

  • Lyotard The functional ideology of language in the context of the dynamic art of the poetry and life of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maari; A postmodern study according to the theories of Althusser, Lyotard, and Merleau-Ponty [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 73-102]


  • Mantiq al- Tayr Recognizing the Views and Approach of Yahya Bin Hamza Alavi owner "Al-Taraz; al-‎Mutzimin al-asrar al-balagha wa alum haqaiqa al-Ijaz" in Defining Truth [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 19-33]

  • Maqamat al-Hariri Analyzing Abu Zaid Saroj's personality based on Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 49-66]

  • Maraya‌ Al-General Sociological analysis of Maraya Al-General novel based on Lucien Goldman's formative structuralism theory [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 131-166]

  • Maslow Analyzing Abu Zaid Saroj's personality based on Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 49-66]

  • Mayadeh Khalil Examining the components of trauma in the novel "Nescafiya with Al-Sharif Al-Radi" by Miyada Khalil based on James William Worden's theory of grief assignments. [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 67-83]

  • Merleau-Ponty The functional ideology of language in the context of the dynamic art of the poetry and life of Abu Al-Ala Al-Maari; A postmodern study according to the theories of Althusser, Lyotard, and Merleau-Ponty [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 73-102]

  • Michael Riffattere Reading the semiotics of Jassem Alsahih's poem (Case of study: "Vatan Le Asma Mosharad") [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 325-349]


  • Nahj al-balagha Analyzing the meaning of Shaqshaqiyah's sermon, based on Jurjani's theory of order(metaphor case study) [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 102-120]

  • Najib Al-Kilani Critical discourse analysis of Najib Al-Kilani's novel " Ras al-Shaitan" based on "Norman Fairclough" theory [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 223-250]

  • Nescafian novel by al-Sharif al-Razi Examining the components of trauma in the novel "Nescafiya with Al-Sharif Al-Radi" by Miyada Khalil based on James William Worden's theory of grief assignments. [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 67-83]

  • Norman Fairclough Critical discourse analysis of Najib Al-Kilani's novel " Ras al-Shaitan" based on "Norman Fairclough" theory [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 223-250]


  • Owner of two gardens Examining the structure of Owner of two gardens short Qur'anic narrative from the point of view of discourse semantics [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 34-48]


  • Psychology Examining the components of trauma in the novel "Nescafiya with Al-Sharif Al-Radi" by Miyada Khalil based on James William Worden's theory of grief assignments. [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 67-83]


  • Ras al-Shaitan Critical discourse analysis of Najib Al-Kilani's novel " Ras al-Shaitan" based on "Norman Fairclough" theory [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 223-250]

  • Reaction Examining the structure of Owner of two gardens short Qur'anic narrative from the point of view of discourse semantics [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 34-48]


  • Sanaa Al-Shaalan A study of myth in “Aam al-Naml” short story collection by Sanaa Al-Shaalan based on the mythological approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 167-180]

  • Sana al-Shaalan The application of Semiotics in the novel "Adrakha Al-Nassian" by Sana Al-Shaalan based on the theory of Grimas. [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 301-324]

  • Self-Actualization Analyzing Abu Zaid Saroj's personality based on Maslow's Theory of Self-Actualization [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 49-66]

  • Semiotics of Poetry Reading the semiotics of Jassem Alsahih's poem (Case of study: "Vatan Le Asma Mosharad") [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 325-349]

  • Seven Methods Analysis and Evaluation of Translation Based on Seven Methods of Vinay and Darbelnet (Case study: the Novel "Arzonnefagh") [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 121-134]

  • Showalter Analyzing the women's writing of Hoda Barkat's novel "Barid Al-Layl" in the light of Elaine Showalter's theory of critique of women's situation [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 103-130]

  • Speech act theory The explanation of Searle's theory of speech acts in the mourning poem of Al-Dama'a Al-Kharsa by Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 273-300]

  • System and Infrastructure AbdollahGhazami and the Necessity of Cultural Criticism in the Analysis of Arabic Poetry [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 1-18]


  • Tariq Bekari Sociological analysis of Maraya Al-General novel based on Lucien Goldman's formative structuralism theory [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 131-166]

  • Telmieh Recognizing the Views and Approach of Yahya Bin Hamza Alavi owner "Al-Taraz; al-‎Mutzimin al-asrar al-balagha wa alum haqaiqa al-Ijaz" in Defining Truth [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 19-33]

  • The carnival Study and analysis of the maqamat of Badi’ al-Zaman al-Hamadhani based on the carnival reading of Bakhtin (Maqamat Al-Isfahaniah, Al-Harziah and Al-Musaliyah as an example) [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 195-221]

  • Types of Cause Assessment and Analysis of Types of Causes in Deduction (Cause, Analogy and Refutation) A Case Study of the Syntactical Views of Ibn Anbari in Asrar Al-Arabyah (Secrets of Arabic) and Ibn Yayish in Sharh Al Mufasal (Unabridged Commentary) [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 135-149]


  • Vatan Le Asma Mosharad Reading the semiotics of Jassem Alsahih's poem (Case of study: "Vatan Le Asma Mosharad") [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 325-349]

  • Vinay and Darbelnet Analysis and Evaluation of Translation Based on Seven Methods of Vinay and Darbelnet (Case study: the Novel "Arzonnefagh") [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 121-134]


  • Wadih Sa'adeh،cognitive science Reflection of Conceptual Structures in Relation to the Motion Schemes in the Poetry of Wadih Sa'adeh [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 84-101]

  • Women's writing Analyzing the women's writing of Hoda Barkat's novel "Barid Al-Layl" in the light of Elaine Showalter's theory of critique of women's situation [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 103-130]


  • Yung The Study of female (Anima) and male (Animus) aspects of Human Existence in Abd al-Salam al-Ujayli’s Novels [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 167-194]